Rotary Turntables, also known as Rotary Unscrambling or Rotary Accumulation Tables are designed to increase efficiencies and throughput on your packaging line. Unscrambling Tables allow products to be loaded in mass quantities and creates a single file queue that feeds the packaging line. Accumulation Tables store mass quantities of packaged product until it can be offloaded and packed. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions carries Rotary Turntables in a wide range of sizes. GPPS is here to help you determine the right size to fit your productline line!
Primary suppliers include, but are not limited to: Galick Packaging
A Rotary Unscrambling Table allows products to be loaded in mass quantities and with the help of overhead bracketry orients containers to create a single file queue that feeds the packaging line.
Available in the following sizes: 36", 48" and 60".
Custom sizes available upon request.
Rotary Accumulation Tables store mass quantities of product. They can be placed anywhere on your packaging line where you require product to accumulate. Most commonly, Rotary Accumulation Tables are situated at the end of an automated packaging line for product to accumulate until it can be offloaded for packing and shipping.
Available in the following sizes: 36", 48" and 60".
Custom sizes available upon request.